FORaMEAL Distribution - Partners with us during COVID-19

We are all in this together

Become a distribution Partner in Victoria During COVID

We are working as fast as we can to deliver meal packs to our distribution partners during the COVID-19 period. If you are an organisation or community group with need and/or can help – please contact us and join this relief effort. We have re-directed resources to stream line the onboarding process during the COVID-19 restriction period.

Our main focus is to get the FORaMEAL packs to vulnerable families during the COVID-19 Restrictions asap. The onboarding process has been streamlined and can be completed within 3-5 business days.

Our 4 Steps Process

1. Contact Us

Please fill in the contact form below. Our COVID19 Response Team will reach out to establish initial contact.

2. Arrange Meeting

We will organise a series of video conference between the FORaMEAL Committee and your organisation which will establish the framework, logistics and partnership agreement

3. Understand our Distribution Policy

An memorandum of understanding (MOU) together with a range of policies will be established by both parties ensuring accountability, transparency and efficiency in our processes

4. Receive FORaMEAL Packs

Once the MOU is agreed to and signed, we will arrange the distribution of the FORaMEAL packs to the partners organisation.


We cannot do this alone

> Accountability

> Efficiency

> Transparency

The FORaMEAL COVD-19 project relies on trusted partner organisations for distribution and on the ground support. A great example is the FORaMEAL x RCAA partnership whereby families and individuals can access FORaMEAL meal packets directly through the Refugee Communities Association of Australia Inc.

The RCAA has existing community relationships with and established link with refugees meaning that we can directly and efficiency allocate resources to vulnerable families and individuals across Melbourne. 

The FORaMEAL COVID-19 project is also recognised and supported by the Victorian Multicultural Commission. The Commission and its Commissioners have well-established and trusted links with many multicultural communities. The Rotary Club of Canterbury commends the Commission’s work since day 1 of the pandemic as they have been very active assisting those most in need. The partnership will further enhance the distribution of the FORaMEAL meal packets.  

Become a Distribution Partner

Please fill in the Contact Us form. We will be in contact within 1 Business day. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to phone or email us. 

PO Box 314 Canterbury VIC 3126
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